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coding overhaul jumpscare!!!! ahhhhhhhh

code in my deviantart shits is still partially ugly i gotta do this next but like. sm64 theme. yummy wummy

  • Mood:    Happy

i really need to finish the journal skins ive been working on here lmao

and also clean this shite up a bit its kinda messy still. ew coding ewww

oh well.

  • Mood:    Serious

haii i havent wrote in this stupid thing in ages oopsie daisy. a lot of shit has been going on. in my life. but. we ball!

RIP blueberry sparkles mcqueen the mazda 3. victim to the mosquito incident. forever in our hearts

im naming my next car the krabby mobile my vehicles will always be subject to the worst names known to mankind. ok bye

  • Mood:    Dead

im having so much trouble getting motivation to do school work / projects im ognna *explodes*

i wish it were easier but the adhd. the autism. the mental illness. oh well

  • Mood:    Dead

i need to work on this website more ive been so absorbed by vidya games i swear to god

anyways me and my boyfriend's anniversary passed and i am so happy about this information i love him so much hes so cute RAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Mood:    Zesty (excited)